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Bielefelder Str. 5
32107 Bad Salzuflen


   Phone: +05222 795515
Edeka Dräger Bad Salzuflen


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Contact Details
Phone:05222 795515
Fax:05222 795516
Store ID:61595

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday:8:00 - 21:00
Saturday:7:00 - 21:00

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Maps and GPS directions to Edeka Dräger Bad Salzuflen and other Edeka locations in Germany. Find your nearest Edeka. The Edeka Group is the largest German supermarket corporation, currently holding a market share of 26%. Founded in 1898, it consists today of several cooperatives of independent supermarkets all operating under the umbrella organisation Edeka Zentrale AG & Co KG, headquartered in Hamburg. There are approximately 4,100 stores with the Edeka nameplate that range from small corner stores to hypermarts.
Operational names of these stores include: Edeka nah und gut ("close and good") - stores up up to 400m² (4300 sq ft), mostly found in smaller municipalities, Edeka aktiv markt ("active mart") - mostly privately run supermarkets between 400m² and 800m² (4300 - 8600 sq ft), mostly located in outlying neighborhoods and villages, Edeka neukauf - privately or centrally managed stores between 800m² and 2000m² (8600 - 21,500 sq ft), Edeka center (E-Center) - hypermarkets between 2000m² and 5000m² (21,500 - 54,000 sq ft), Edeka C&C Großmarkt (Mios) (cash & carry), Edeka Großverbraucherservice (for commercial customers) and Edeka NP-Markt.

Edeka:  Distance 
Marktkauf 7204 Bad Salzuflen 2.6 km 1.6 mi 🡥
Edeka Linke Bad Salzuflen 2.9 km 1.8 mi 🡡
Edeka Siekmann Bad Salzuflen 3.7 km 2.3 mi 🡢
E center 3328 Herford 6.6 km 4.1 mi 🡤
Edeka BOEERS LEOPOLDSHOEHE 6.8 km 4.2 mi 🡧
Nearby POI: Distance 
AVIA Bad Salzuflen 0.1 km 0.1 mi 🡤
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