I have the latest Magellan RoadMate model. It come with software that lets me to convert Garmin CSV POI files to Magellan format.
With Magellan POI File Editor I converted POI's to Magellan format. It generated MGLN binary file. With Magellan RoadMate Tools I can transfer the .mgln file from mycomputer to connected GPS (via USB cable).
I enabled POI's on my GPS, in the Navigation Options -> Configuration -> Custom POI's -> Select a POI File
I still do not have all alerts for all POI's that I loaded.
1. Make sure that you downloaded the Megallan compatible GPS POI format.
To download Magellan POI's for any country:
- Start here: https://poi.gps-data-team.com/
- select your country and category,
- select a file and
- save it to your PC (select an option to remove quotes)
2. Use Magellan POI File Editor, an application that comes with your Magellan GPS. It'll convert Magellan POI files to a .MGLN data format
3. On the Magellan GPS unit go to Menu -> Navigation Options -> Configuration -> Custom POIs -> Select a POI File and select all downloaded Magellan POI's
It is quite simple to load POI files, isn't it.
MagMan, you are doing fine. I bought the Magellan Maestro 3250 with the Magellan POI File Editor software included.
This is how I use Magellan POI File Editor to convert .csv files to .mgln files for Magellan Maestro GPS units:
1. Magellan POI File Editor will create a folder named "My POIs" in My Documents. Save all downloaded Magellan POI files there.
2. Run Magellan POI File Editor. Click the "Yellow Folder" to open the default "My POIs" folder. In "Files of Type" select "All Files (*.*)" and double click on the POI .csv, this will load the file to Magellan File Editor's "Import wizard".
3. Set "Start importing from line:" to be 1
4. Set "Separator" to be "Comma" then click Next
5. In the first column use the dropdown menu and select "Longitude".
6. In the second column use the dropdown menu and select "Latitude".
7. In the third column select "Name".
8. Any other dropdown menus that appear after these first three just leave blank
9. Click "Finish" and the Magellan POI's will load into a POI file in the upper left corner called "Default Category"
10. Right click on "Default Category" and select "Modify", in the top of the box that appears where it says "Name" type the name of the POI, Example -State_Parks-USA. You can leave the "Description" box blank.
11. Select an "Image" if you want to go with your POI.
12. Next to "Distances in:" select measurements in either "Meters" or "Feet".
13. Next to "Detection Angle:" either use default 90 or change to 180 for a wider area of detection.
14. Select if you want to "Display this category on the Magellan Maestro map screen " or not. All the options below the "Image" selection can be added from the Magellan GPS unit after the POI has been installed.
15. Click "OK"
16. Next click the "Save Icon to the right of the "Yellow folder" this will create the .mgln file in the "My POIs" folder.
How to save created .mgln file to Magellan GPS device:
Open the "My POIs" folder in My Documents and copy the Magellan POI.mgln file directly to an SD card.
From the Magellan Maestro screen choose:
"Points of Interest" --> "My POIs" --> "Change My POI File" --> "Display Categories"
Make sure there is a check mark next to the POI file and click save.
Click the back arrow one time and click "Select Category" and click on the POI. You will have an option of selecting "Nearest" or "Spell POI Name".
I use the nearest option (the easiest to use as it will display the closest POI to your location and so on).
Thank you so much for the help -- I just successfully loaded my first POI file onto my Magellan 3225.
Apologies if this question has been asked/answered before: Is there a way to associate a WAV file with a POI? I'd like something more specific than beeps and chimes!
Hi all,
I just found this forum. How wonderful, as I will be making the trip to Virginia from Fl. Is this POI also available for my Magellan 1470? This may sound silly but I have seen some say this works for some and not others.
Thank you doing this as soon as I see your thoughts on this.
I have a Magellan RoadMate 5220, bought 9/12/2012. Its Content Manager doesn't have any way to import outside POIs. I've tried dragging POIs I previously downloaded to its Additional Content page, but they don't go in. The imports feature mentioned in 2008 isn't there. Suggestions?