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Help Reqd Organising Tom Tom Poi into categories

Posted by Pudsey
Help Reqd Organising Tom Tom Poi into categories

I have had the TT XL IQ routes for a few months now and have downloaded loads of useful additional POIs.

However I have found that I now have several similar categories e.g. petrol stations UK, more petrol stations, esso petrol etc. which all have different stations or even duplicated stations in them.
I want to add them to one catogory eg Petrol Stations UK and delete any duplicates.
Is this posible and how.

I cannot find the individual POIs to add to a spreadsheet or similar.

Cheers in advance

Posted by gilesarthur
POI editor

Hi, I would suggest you get one of the POI editors under POI Tools on this website.

Posted by tigang
Help Reqd Organising Tom Tom Poi into categories

I agree with downloading one of the tools, but you still have a big task there!
I had the same problem myself and ended up deleting the proprietary (Esso et al) POIs and relying on a general one. The only thing I would say is that if you have installed a proprietary list because you collect points from a given supplier and have a preference for say, BP, then why not leave the POI files in place and just deactivate the ones you rarely use.


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