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Garmin Poi Loader Downloads

Posted by Mark
Garmin Poi Loader Downloads


You do not need any additional software to use our POIs. You can download all POI files as a personalized GPI POI compilation (country level data, with addresses and clickable phone numbers, where available, and proximity alerts for speed cameras and other Road Safety POIs).

The installation process is easy :
1. Add to cart all POI files that you need
2. Press the Download button
3. Save the downloaded "One-click-update" GPI file to your Garmin and
4. Restart your Garmin

It takes about 30 seconds to download the file and save it to your Garmin or any rebranded in-dash Garmin infotainment system.

How it works?
Demo: You can create a small test GPI file and save it directly to your Garmin
with our Online GPI POI Editor:

Any questions? Ask here:
Please let us know if you find any easier option to keep your GPS up-to date.

If you still want to load your old CSV and GPX files, or to download our GPX, CSV, WAV, MP3 and BMP files, get the Garmin's Poiloader software here:

- POI Loader for Windows, Ver. 2.7.3 (12.84 MB) November 7, 2013

- POI Loader for Mac, Ver. 2.3.0 (13.18 MB) November 20, 2013


Posted by info3333333
Installing POIs on Nuvi 65, Nuvi 1495T and other models

Alternatively, you can use this:

Special Note
These instructions are based on work previously outlined on this forum and reflect in addition, only some low level detail and my personal experience in following them.

* On your computer, create a folder labeled POI.
* Now create appropriate sub folders within that folder for the groups of POIs you intend to instal.
You may for example create a sub folder for called Safety for your speed camera POIs etc and another called Education for the school zone POIs.
What you call these folders is a matter of choice. It does not matter at all.

It is not essential to create sub folders as mentioned. But if you do, your device will show these folders as groups of POIs with a tick box beside each group allowing you to turn on or off a particular group. If for example, you created a sub folder in which to place all your McDonald's restaurants you might not want to be advised of their presence every time you drive somewhere. By placing them in a separate sub folder you can turn off just that group of POIs. Placing them all in the same folder means you will be alerted to either all POIs or none.

Log in to GPS Data Team, locate the POIs for Garmin and download your choice of POIs.

For POI you will need the following files .bmp, .csv, .mp3 and .gpx. For example for Red Light Cameras you will need Red_Light_Camera.bmp, plus Red_Light_Camera.csv, plus Red_Light_Camera.mp3, plus Red_Light_Camera.gpx.

Once downloaded, place each group of files into the appropriate sub folder. For example, all of the Red_Light_Camera files and all of the Speed_Camera files and other related POIs might go into the Safety sub folder.

Ok. Now all of the files have been downloaded and placed in their appropriate sub folder within the master POI folder on your computer. Now it's time to transfer them to your device.

Download and instal on your computer the free file called "Garmin POI Loader for Windows_273.exe" from

* Connect your Garmin device to your computer through the USB cable
* Run the programme and on the first dialog box, select Garmin Device.
* On the second dialog box click Find Device.and wait for the program to identify your connected device. If you device is not immediately identified, wait until your device shows that it is connected to the computer and then try again to locate it with the Find Device button.
* Once the device has been found, click next and on the next dialog box select Install new Custom POIs onto your device. You can remove the old ones first if you choose and this may be necessary if you have old groups you no longer need. But it will overwrite where necessary so deletion is not essential.
*Click next and on the next Dialog Box browse to where you stored the POI folder you created on your computer.
* On line two, ensure that the name for the newly created custom POI file is POI.
* Click next to complete the transfer. You will be prompted to overwrite the existing file. That should not be an issue unless you have chosen to update some of the existing POIs but retain some others. In this case you will need to rename the upload file something other than POI because that name is in use.

That should complete the task and you should now find the updated POIs in your chosen sub folders ready for you to select on your device.


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