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Country:   Turkey POI
Category: Safety in Turkey
POI collection: Hospitals in Turkey
POI file: Hospital-TR

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Hospitals, clinics, and urgent medical centres in Turkey.


Ankara Hastanesi
Hospital Ankara, Ankara

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Cag Hastanesi
Hospital Cag, Ankara

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Cag Hastanesi Ek Bina
Hospital Cag Extended Unit, Ankara

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Güven Hastanesi
Hospital Guven, Ankara

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Güven Hastanesi Ek Bina
Hospital Guven Extended Unit, Ankara

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Hacettepe Hastanesi
Hospital Hacettepe, Ankara

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Hastane insaat
Construction Hospital, Ankara

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Hastanesi Ahmet Andicen Onkoloji
Hospital Ahmet Andicen Oncology Education and Research, Ankara

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Hastanesi Akay
Hospital Akay, Ankara

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Hifzi Sihha Hastanesi
Hospital Hifzi Sihha, Ankara

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Hospital MESA - AnkaraMap, print or save to GPS

ibni Sina Hastanesi
Hospital Ibni Sina, Ankara

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Kücükesat itfaiyesi
Fire Brigade Kucukesat, Ankara

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Mardin Devlet Hastanesi - MardinMap, print or save to GPS

Saglik Ocagi
Village Clinic, Ankara

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