GPS Forums

SatNav Discussion Forum

No dates anywhere (forum posts, file updates etc)

Posted by REB154
No dates anywhere (forum posts, file updates etc)


I've just come across this web site and thought I would take a closer look before paying for membership.

However, I cannot find any information as to how up to date the site & POI information is. There are no dates/times on individual posts within the forum areas and no 'last updated' dates on the POI files (that I can see anyway).

If the information is only available after registering then I'll go elsewhere as I would hate to find that the forums/updates are mostly inactive.

Just some thought from a potential new member.

Posted by Mark
Re: No dates anywhere (forum posts, file updates etc)

Hi stranger,
You are just right. As a general rule, all new posts and POIs are listed at the top.
We believe that we have the most accurate and up-to-date world POIs database. Do you have a minute to check our POIs? I would also like to see your opinion about our data quality.

SatNav Discussion

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