GPS Forums

TomTom Forum

All my gps's take my post code to a completely wrong ad

Posted by keith300866
All my gps's take my post code to a completely wrong ad

It doesn't matter which sat nav is used but my home location must be set wrong :(
How can I correct this?
Can anyone advise

Posted by Mark
The safe way to list your private/home address

Hi Keith,
One of our scripts can be used to provide correct details to all interested parties:
It can be used to list your private address as we do not share that listing with any other provider. That listing is visible only to people that you share (allow to see it).

Find your co-ordinates, get a link to your map, open that map and press the [SAVE TO GPS/SMARTPHONE] button. It works well for blogs, webpages and emails.

However, if you want to make a public, free-for-all listing, you should use our
other (shared) listing options:

I hope it helps.


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