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Garmin 72H coordinates

Posted by nikozez
Garmin 72H coordinates

Hello everyone,

I am trying to add some UTM coordinates on the GPS Garmin 72H I recently bought. The coordinates I am trying to find are in the following format - 1234567.12 123456.12 but in the menu where Waypoint are added the format appears to be in that format 1234567 1234567. The coordinates' format in the setup is set to be UTM UPS. So my question is how is it possible for me to add those coordinates since the digits in mines are 17 in total with those after the dots and in the menu where you add them there is space for 14 digits only? Should I change the location format to another one or what?

Sorry if it is a dumb question but..
I would be really grateful if someone can help because I need these things.

Best Regards

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