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How do I get sat nav changed re heavy good vehicles?

Posted by Tmctaylor72
How do I get sat nav changed re heavy good vehicles?

For the 3rd time my vehicle has been damaged by an 18t truckfollowing sat nav instructions coming up our round en route to somewhere else. The road is not suitable for through traffics trucks, and whilst the dustbin Lorry seems to manage no problems, this is because the driver knows the road and has lots of people watching and they go slowly.

Posted by Mikeymike
Re: How do I get sat nav changed re heavy good vehicles?

Umm if I am understanding your post correctly I would suggest going with a serviced GPS that is actually made for the type of vehicle and work condition that you're using. I have been using a tracking system for a while and when it comes down to it it does pay to have that backing. I've had a similar situation to yours and after that I was done. Went out and got a system that would work for me.


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