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Installation Support Forum

Sygic (UPI) - error occurred during the data transfer

Posted by Pgrofi
Sygic (UPI) - error occurred during the data transfer

využil jsem Extra POI Edit (Online) k převodu CSV na UPI ale po nakopírování UPI do složky IMPORT a spuštění SYGIC mi neustále oznamuje navigace že došlo k chybě při přenosu dat.

Posted by Mark
Re: Sygic (UPI) - error occurred during the data transfer

Pgrofi wrote:
I took advantage of the Extra POI Edit (Online) to convert CSV to UPI but after copying the folder to IMPORT the UPI and run SYGIC announces a navigation that I keep getting an error occurred during the data transfer.

Can you load ANY other file?
Can you make a single location test file to test the upload process?
Can you load file if you remove accents from a CSV/UPI file?

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