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One Click GPI files

Posted by Johninga
One Click GPI files

I have just downloaded the UK speed camera alerts as a one click GPI - where do I load it into the Garmin . . in the Root or a POI folder that exists but is empty . . ??

I then downloaded the French camera alerts using the same method and it came as the same worded file (GPS-Data-Team.gpi) . I then put both into the empty POI file on the Garmin. One file has been renamed GPS-Data-Team(2).gpi

Is this correct - gotta say I am confused. I need to download the Spanish speed cameras next, but I want to know if I am doing this correctly.

Posted by Mark
Re: One Click GPI files

You have 2 files in your chart: GB and FR cameras. Both files are packed together in the downloaded GPI file. You can rename the lastest downloaded GPI file to anything that you like, and save it to your Garmin (x:\\POI\ folder)
Does it answer your question?

Posted by osbornespain4
.gpi files

Thanks Mark . . but I am still not sure what you mean . . I downloaded the 2 .gpi files quite separately. They had the same name. I have renamed one of them, but they are not combined. They sit in the folder named POI . a sub- folder in the main "Garmin" file ie:

Garmin Nuvi E:/ POI / GPS-Data-Team.gpi

Can I just keep adding .gpi files in this way. and (if I am understanding you correctly) I can rename these 2 files to whatever I want obviously keeping the .gpi extension.

Many thanks in advance


Posted by Mark
Re: .gpi files

Hi John,

You need just a single GPI file even if you have multiple files in your cart.

It should be simple:

1. Delete all downloaded GPS-Data-Team GPI files
2. Go to FR or GB camera file
3. Press the One-Click-GPI button
4. Save the downloaded GPI file to your Garmin x:\\POI\ folder

Which step is not clear?


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