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MTO Office New Liskeard

Posted by mikeja77
MTO Office New Liskeard

Last early January between Larder and Kirkland Lake there was 5 road kills in 7 days ... I seen big 4 by 8 road danger signs in other dangerous area when is the MTO gonna wake up and put signs up between the border and highway 672 maybe people that don't know the area would slow down a little. not everyone lives here and have knowledge of the hazardous area especially at night... These road kills are hard on peoples vehicles and insurance rates and god forbid their lives...lAt least a dozen or more road kills happens on this stretch of road every year please look into this. I know you have the little signs up but they don't seem to help if the big signs were put up people would notice them better. One just after King Kirklnd going east, one after 672 going east one just outside Larder Lake going east. One at the Quebec border going west and after Virginiatown going west and match the others coming west to King Kirkland...This is a very bad area for wildlife collision. The MNR is saying the moose herd is low this might help at keeping some moose alive and property damages down Thank you
Mike Jacques Please submit to right contact person for road safety


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