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Exact GPS off by 20 to 30 feet in Tomtom for Android

Posted by webbpages_au4
Exact GPS off by 20 to 30 feet in Tomtom for Android

In Tomtom App for Android, is there anyone else who has encountered that the GPS location is off by 20 or 30 feet? I have tried downloading a GPS app and then downloading GPS data but its not really working, has anyone got a solution?

Posted by johmazz2006

The accuracy depends on number of satellites used/ found, and most dedicated GPS units state an accuracy of between 3 to 10 metres.
You will have to use a theodolite to get the accuracy you may be looking for.

Posted by cgier
Re: Accuracy

johmazz2006 wrote:
The accuracy depends on number of satellites used/ found, and most dedicated GPS units state an accuracy of between 3 to 10 metres.
You will have to use a theodolite to get the accuracy you may be looking for.

What type of location are you at when you see the discrepancy? A more rural area will be less accurate due to fewer cell towers, etc. A very dense urban area with many buildings will also be less accurate due to the buildings interfering with the satellite reception, etc.

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