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Display options - 2595LMT

Posted by Rockgod
Display options - 2595LMT


After having had a TomTom for several years there are features that I'm finding it hard to live without and wasn't sure whether the same features were available on my new 2595LMT.

The features I'm referring to are:
Show current street traveling on, and
Show distance to destination.

Simple things, I know, but are they available?


Posted by yelkarama
Show distance to destination.

for the "Show distance to destination", while navigating, touch the predicted arrival time (bottom left) and you'll have the following choice:

- Arrival time
- Distance
- Time to Destination
- Via Arrival
- Distance to Via
- Time to Via
- Direction of Travel
- Elevation
- Time of Day
- Temperature

if you're not navigating, only the last 3 are available.



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