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Accident Black Spot Data - UK

Posted by J. Daniel
Accident Black Spot Data - UK


I've downloaded your Accident Black Spot POI (UK), I was just wondering where this data is obtained from? There seems to be a lot in my local area that I wouldn't consider to be a 'black spot' - for example a hotspot on the POI seems to have had about 2 accidents in the last 6 years.

Basically just curious as to how this data is obtained and checked if I'm going to be using it on a daily basis.


Posted by bazfoster
black spot or not

I would imagine that the blackspot data is from accident sources. Originally speed camera's were located for the same reason. In France you cannot have speed camera poi's so they use black spots instead

Posted by tboneandporcini
black spot or not

It is a good question. If, for example, two minor collisions happened in a particular roundabout in a large city within six years, then it the safest place to be. If there were two people injured, then it is still not too bad. The same in a small village is different story.

You will be better off with the speed cameras. Their database is well maintained, and in the UK they are installed in the accident spots. Well, unless it is the police caused an accident - there will be no camera then.


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