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Navig8r GPS units

Posted by tchaplain
Navig8r GPS units

Navig8r brand GPS units are being sold through Target and other retailers for about $99 to $150. I bought a Navig8r T43B in November 2011 and last week I took it back for refund after feeling I had bought a piece of junk. It has many good features for a cheaper unit, I liked the spoken speed zones and the speed warnings were good. The speed and time were too small to view while driving.  It has an ugly black & red user interface which I found very off putting.The uniball on the mount popped out and was not very secure afterwards. The last straw was when a group of pixels about the size of a match head died in the middle of the screen, (I had not abused the unit) I also reckon the case was a bit flimsy and the screen was prone to scratching. It has let me down a lot so I got a refund.

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