GPS Forums

Speed and redlight camera POI Forum

Spoken speed warning

Posted by tony333333
Spoken speed warning

Hi guys , one big question for you....I fell in love with a navigator that was sold by ALDI a few months back which has a spoken reminder of changing speed conditions on the road. I have been told that they were sold for around $80.00 ....I just found out a friend of mine has one...I have aprox 10 navigators 3 Garmin, 2 Copilot, Navman , 2 Navigon, Truckie's navigator and one 700 speed warning device , and NONE OF THEM WARN ME in voice alert of that change in speed but THE GO-CRUISE NAVIGATOR SOLD BY ALDI DOES ....all the Garmin ones and the rest they blink little 5 mm red lights dot that I have to keep my eyes on to see when it changes RED when Police want me to keep my eyes on the road instead....Truckie one gives a warning when speed goes down but not when speed goes up... but a little $80.00 navigator is able to do.......
Can you please or get the BIG manufacturers selling Navigators to add this feature on ???? or can you guys invent this spoken speed warning PLEASE ??
Best regards

I been a silent member of u guys for few years now....

Posted by bigappo
Spoken Speed Warning

This is a great suggestion. Why don't all GPS suppliers have this option. Surely it is only a mattter of adding a .wav file alert. :roll:

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