GPS Forums

WiFi hotspots Forum

Hot Spot warning

Posted by mikeman1485
Hot Spot warning

When accessing hotspots be careful many hackers try to make fake hotspots to spy on your data and take your info. Make sure you have a good antivirus and do not do any CC transactions on a free/open hotspot.

Posted by adam_d_richardson
Other things to check for


Another thing to check for when logging in to WIFI hotspots is the service gateway page. A lot of the free WIFI hotspots divert you to a page to agree to terms and conditions for using their WIFI hotspot (basically just a back with an agree button saying that you won't do anything illegal while using their WIFI).
While not all legitimate free WIFI hotspots have these pages a lot do where as most fake ones run by hackers just let you get straight onto the internet and then watch what you are doing.
Like the previous poster said make sure you don't do any CC transactions or login to any sites that contain a lot of personal data (such as email accounts or Facebook) as these are prime targets for hackers to get your personal details to either get your money or steal your identity.

WiFi hotspots

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