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CSV format in POIs Navman 470

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CSV format in POIs Navman 470

Hi there, having trouble with some POIs we need to import. The lists look identically formatted, but one list the satnav can find POI by NAME only, not by proximity to my location or route!
We are grasping at straws regarding formatting of extra spaces etc...

Please help!

Posted by gavincobbe
POI search Navman 470

This was driving me mad too and after many e-mails to Mio support, I finally copped on how to do it! Probably not much use to the original poster now, but may help someone else:

In the csv file, the third column is the description. You must have the NAME of what you are looking for in this column, not just the location. So, for example, if I was searching for a Lidl store nearby, it would need to be Lidl Clane - Celbridge Road and not just the location. If you need to add to the description in the column (say to add in Lidl all the way down), you can use the Concatenate (list1, list2...) formula in excel and saves a lot of typing! Then use Paste Special to paste the Values of the merged column only, as you don't want to carry forward the forumlas in your csv file. Finally, delete the redundant columns and it will now search by Nearby and also InCity/Area, which won't show up unless you do the above. :)


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