GPS Forums

Installation Support Forum

Garmin Kenwood / KNA-g520

Posted by leewayne
Garmin Kenwood / KNA-g520

If anyone has a problem getting POI on to there KNA here is how I did mine.

1st you need a laptop or pc that will reach to the car,

1. get a mini USB lead with USB on other end.
2. install POI loader onto your laptop.
3. put all files onto your laptop that you want on your KNA in a folder named Garmin.
4. turn satnav on laptop also
5. conect your mini USB to the kna and laptop.
6. change source to satnav.
7. screen will then let you no that your connected to laptop.
8. open POI loader and then click garmin devices.
9. it will come up with the kna and then do everthing that instructions tell you.

If have any problems please message me back,

am very busy so please give me time get back to you.

thanks and hope you like.

Installation Support

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