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Inventory positioning

Posted by Zach
Inventory positioning

Im having a very hard time finding information on Product positioning such as for warehouse inventory.

I work for a stainless steel supplier where our plant is filled with coils that are always being moved back and forth. Sometimes it is very hard to find where each coil is as they are constantly moved.

Is there a way to put a sticker or tag on a coil and then be able to locate the coil based on coordinates on a map? Im thinking this map would come from a tracker or an I-Pad.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Posted by bernienchris
Inventory GPS tracking

I think accuracy would be your biggest issue, most GPS are only accurate to between 5-10Mt at best.
You would also need a pretty good unit to work indoors.

I believe there are already solutions to your problem in the market place, would no doubt be costly though.


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