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Safety POI data screwed up?

Posted by ken1deb1
Safety POI data screwed up?

I download the latest safety POI for all the USA ("camera-US.gpx") and have found that in Tucson all the traffic monitoring cameras have been flagged as a speed camera.

It was not this way when I updated my last POI file a couple years ago.

This is totally wrong and it makes the speed camera and red light camera POI feature useless because every traffic light has a traffic flow monitoring camera so I now get an alert at every intersection even if there is no red light or speed camera at the intersection.

Is this incorrect data being gathered for the entire country the very same way or is it just some overzealous Tucson AZ contributor inputting the false data?

Who is gathering and posting this wrong data and why? What can or will be done to correct this?

The last POI I loaded had voice telling me Speed Trap ahead, speed camera ahead and red light camera ahead. Now I just get a Ding ding with a hard to see text alert for everything. Did I select the wrong POI Safety-us.gpx file this time? Or is it my 1490LMT GPS that is the problem?


PS; I'm now using the 1490LMT and my wife still uses the 885T. We had a street pilot before.

Posted by cmrp
Incorrect Data

To be bluntly honest,

It is highly likely to be one of the following

"A do gooder" trying to screw up a good service
An agent of the local traffic department tying to justify his/her job.

If everybody avoids being caught, revenue goes down and the justification for there jobs goes down as well.

I am sure they hope the by encouraging you to ignore the warnings they hope you will miss one of the speed camera and get caught.


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