GPS Forums

School Zones Forum

Which Education POI’s (school zones) for Australia to use?

Posted by jreevesj
Which Education POI's (school zones) for Australia to use?

I would like to download school zones for Australia (CSV) but I am finding different data bases with different schools in each for the one state, one is 42K in size and one 132K for NSW's and both have differences .
It appeared that there is no option to download all of Australian school zones in one go!

Do you have to download each state and city separately and each time download the icon for that data base so to have the same name?

How do you know which data based has the full coverage?


Posted by ianjanflan
Which school zone database to use

For Queensland I use the one under education, the GPX file and it works fine.

Posted by hatchm
Which Education POIs to use

I have done a local comparison and found the "NSW School Zones" POI to be more accurate than the "School Zones" which has entries for most or if not all of the States and Territories. My suggestion is to download the individual States/Territories until such time as the "School Zone" is complete.

School Zones

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