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nuvi 310 UK help with POI safety cameras

Posted by marky
nuvi 310 UK help with POI safety cameras

Hi all.

ive had a play before asking and it hasnt worked the way if done it so i guessed is gonna be easier if i was to ask folks with the same Sat Nav if possible.

Downloaded the files (that i think are correct) into the folder system previously mentioned on other threads and have uploaded it to the Sat Nav. but these only seem to be active if i was to go into my locations, custom POI and search them nearest safety cameras in the area i am. They dont seem to be popping up on screen unlike the software ones.

Also i thought it be handy to also have Wifi POI as well.. but these seem to be taking some priotity now and ive lost the safety cameras somehow..

dunno if anyone would be willing to point me in the right direction to a previous thread or willing to give me some help on these probs im facing?

Im normally quite a techy bloke, but i think im all too aware that i could mess the whole system up and have a door stop!!

Any info would be great thank you


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