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Garmin 260w slow start up

Posted by aries
Garmin 260w slow start up

Hi all
Is there any way to speed up this unit so it finds the sats faster?

Posted by richardandlis
Slow start up

Do you find it is faster when you are outside as there maybe some interferance inside

Posted by erinninn
cigarette lighter plug

Have you try to connect the GPS to the cigarette lighter plug. It help to speed my GPS in locating satelite.

Posted by asimsyed
This should fix it

You would need to reset your device so that it can read satellite signals again..I have done this and it works

1) Swtich off your device
2) Keep pressing the bottom right of the screen and swtich on the device
3) The GPS will pop up a message saying 'Erase all user data'
4) choose Yes
5) make sure you leave your garmin for 45min in open area where clear satellite reception is there..The garmin will learn the satellite signals

Posted by bertsarg

you might want to back up any poi's before as this erases everything


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