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Traffic Camera Icon and Voice went Bye Bye

Posted by PeterAAF1com
Traffic Camera Icon and Voice went Bye Bye

I have a Garmin Nuvi 765 and installed the Red Light Camera POIs (New York), Camera Icon (BMP) and Voice (MP3) a few weeks ago. All files had the same name. Everything worked fine. I just updated the POI file and changed the Voice file. All files still have the same names. However, when I went out for a ride, there is no longer a Camera Icon visible (at any zoom level) and the voice is gone. All I get is a Bong sound and a Red Light Camera message on the screen. I just cleansed up the POI directory (folder) and do not recall if there may have been a WAV file hanging around.
Does the Garmin only work with WAV files or was it using the MP3 as I thought?
How do I get the Icon and Voice back?
Thank You. PeterF

Posted by PeterAAF1com
Post subject: Traffic Camera Icon and Voice went Bye Bye

OOPS! Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. In cleaning up files in my folder I moved the .csv to a new folder for loading, without the BMP and MP3. All better now.


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