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How do I create a user.poi file for use in my ASUS R300?

Posted by RsH
How do I create a user.poi file for use in my ASUS R300?

The first 32 characters of the user.poi file that I created using the touch keyboard in the ASUS R300 are as follows, when I use a hex editor to look in the file. Anyway, is there a way to enter the data as text in some way and have it converted by a program into a user.poi file I can copy into the flash memory of my unit? The full information I can provide is as follows

FF EE 31 00 7C 00 4D 00 79 00 20 00 50 00 20 00
4F 00 20 00 49 00 7C 00 48 00 6F 00 6D 00 65 00
1 | M Y P
O I | H o m e

1|My P O I|Home|parking|43.762272|-79.412888|_c**|_con|M2N|North York, North York, ON|Harlandale Ave||Sitting In Solarium|4167338822
2|My P O I|Duty Free|parking|42.907560|-78.909906|_c**|_con|L2A|Fort Erie, Fort Erie, ON|Peace Bridge||Peace Bridge Plaza|
3|My P O I|Jay Gary Home|parking|41.257050|-111.965303|_uut|_uut|84404|Ogden, Ogden, UT|Douglas St|581|84404 4319|8013933538

So the user.poi file starts with FFFE and then has the format you see with a hex 00 between every character in the database, as per the first line of this text message, with the conversion to ASCII charcters under each hex value.

The purpose of the 00 5F 00 63 00 2A 00 2A 00 7C 00 5F 00 63 00 6E 00 7C between the longitude and the first three letters of the postal code here in Canada is, in my best guess, Canada for the _c** and Canada, Ontario for the _con

Line 3 is from the U.S and the _uut is for United States Utah, so they are using the two letter abbreviations for the states, provinces and territories. For the U.S. they are inserting the five digit zip code, for Canada the first three letters of the postal code.

The fields in order from beginning of a POI to the end of the POI are as follows:
Number for POI
Folder for POI
Name given POI
Symbol given folder
Location in country - _c** or _uxx where xx is the state's two letter code
location in country - _cxx or _uxx where the xx is the state or province or territory two letter code
3 character start of Postal code for Canada OR 5 digit zip code for the U.S.
Location name. Place, City, Province or State two letter value
Name of location per GPS based on site picked
Description added by user to aid identity of place
telephone number as entered

The symbol I gave to the folder was the blue P so 'parking' shows up for the 'MY P O I' poi folder on the unit.

00 7C is the end of each field except the telephone number field

Each line or separate POI ends with 00 0D 00 0A 00 after the last letter of the name of the POI.


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