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POI Updates and Downloads Forum

Updating POI's

Posted by wormburner1941
Updating POI's

I'm new to this group, and I have a question about updating POI's. I downloaded a bunch of POI's and am truly impressed with all of them. My question though pertains to traveling from Northern Ohio to Southern Ohio, and I saw 2 Love's Travel Centers, but nothing showed up on my GPS. When I got I got home and checked the GPS database it showed that there were no Love's in Ohio, but the Love's internet site shows that there are five. I'm not at all being critical because this site is an excellant one, and I am truly impressed.

I guess my question is can I update the Petrol portion, or do I report missing POI"s or should I just keep my nose out of it?

Keep up the good work!

Posted by Mark
Re: Updating POI's

Thanks wormburner1941

I added some Love's locations that someone submitted some time ago. Please feel free to add or edit any GPS location. You can keep updated any file that you want/like as long as your updates are as accurate as they can be.


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