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Use of .bmp and .mp3 Files for POI on Nuvi 660

Posted by nchew
Use of .bmp and .mp3 Files for POI on Nuvi 660

Hi Everyone,
I've read many of the posts on using the .bmp and .mp3 files for POI's, but one thing is still not clear to me. Do I need to manually copy the .mp3 and .bmp files onto my Nuvi 660 or are they somehow compiled into the poi.gpi file? If I have to copy them, I assume they go into the Poi folder on my Nuvi?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Posted by nchew
More on .bmp and .mp3 Files for Nuvi 660

In case anyone out there has a Nuvi 660 and is curious, Here is what I found out from more testing. As long as you have the .bmp and .mp3 files in the directory as the .gpx when you run the POI loader, the .bmp and .mp3 files are compiled into the .gpi file. All .gpx, .csv, and .CSv files worked on my 660, but I opted to use only one for a given POI file because loading multiple file resulted multiple entries in my "Extras" list.

I also found I could not move the .gpi file to my memory card. It would only work if it were on the internal disk.

Hope this helps someone.


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