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Igo and Userdata POI

Posted by ankoh2
Igo and Userdata POI

Just a friendly advice: Limit the number of POIs in Igo Amigo.
Chinese made units or the system will hang and slows down in all cases.

Posted by aaquintus
Re: Igo and Userdata POI

Thanks for that! Also, it seems some exe files from Igo8 can handle them better than others...I have to look it up if someone needs to know which one works.
Also, it seems to help to limit the textfiles in the speedcamera folder (you can use KLM files in userdata instead.
It also helped a lot once I installed a 8MB micro card (if your unit can support it)

Kind Regards


Posted by danieldeleven3
Re: Igo and Userdata POI


The number of POI files for iGO will definitely slow down your startup speed in iGO8. If the system hangs, I have found that you need to remove the POI's from the default directory (don't remove but move them to another folder temporarily) and re-start iGO8 (which should be much quicker). Once all is operational you can exit iGO8, restore the POI files to the default directory and re-start iGO8 (will be slower if there are many maps or POI files) which should now be operational with the POI files.



Posted by Robbzi
POI files

I found the problem is if you download each individual type of POI and enter it in. For instance a POI for all shell service stations, then a seperate one for all National Park etc. These are all seperate and because by the time you have finished youll have like say 25 of these, they all need to be read and dealt with individually on the slow PNA (Car GPS device) and thats why it makes it so slow.

You can actualy create files which have most of the POIs within just one file. These are like the ones that come standard on the gps unit when bough new, before you add the POIs additionally. This creats one file that gets loaded once, then the gps is on its way.


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