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Keeping alerts active when switching between m or ft.

Posted by thomasanderson314
Keeping alerts active when switching between m or ft.

I found out the hard way one of the differences between the normal GPX file and the "enhanced" one - "GPX (proximity alerts, phone dial...)". The latter gpx file is specific to either metric or imperial and will not provide alerts if you decide to configure your Garmin to the other set of units.

For example: when I uploaded the red_light_cameras.gpx specific to "100m" (but it could be any of the metric presets) and then decided to switch to imperial units on my Garmin unit, I found ALL the alerts in that gpx file failed to go off. The icons still displayed, but all audible and visual warnings went silent and they don't come back even when I switched my 765T back to metric and then reinstalled the same "enhanced" gpx file.

Lesson learned: if you plan to switch units with your gps, i.e., when going back and forth between USA and AUS like I do, then download the plain, "vanilla" .gpx file. Alerts from that file will appear in either m or ft.

$0.02: i don't know about all of you, but it'd be really helpful for someone in the know post a simple chart explaining the other differences between the different formats to help us choose which one is best for our needs...

Posted by roadrider01
keeping alerts active when switching between m or ft.

I concur with the above post. It would be very nice if someone who had some technical expertise re the various file formats to post something explaining the differences between them so we would know what to expect when using them.


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