GPS Forums

School Zones Forum

Create speed zone

Posted by thomas.goodlad
Create speed zone

When I drive into town my first restriction is 40MPH, half a mile later it's 30mph. Now I can create two waypoints ,but how do'es the system know when I enter or leave eg when leaving the 40MPH zone heading south my limit would be 60MPH but going north 40 for half mile then 30.

Should this be entered as a "route" & speed restrictions applied to this route & if so how do I do that ?
nuvi 200W---Google Earth....KMLCSV...POI Loader ,& prefer save to SD.
Also could use mapsource

Thanks in advance any advice. I'm new to this.


Posted by rvcasa
Re: Create speed zone

Hi, I'm new too, but from what I've gatherer, you can create a POI with for that location and then upload MANUALLY (not express) through POI Loader and set the speed/distance you require.

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