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Creating and removing custom POI's loaded on my Garmin 260W

Posted by arnoldestrada1
Creating and removing custom POI's loaded on my Garmin 260W

Hi everyone.

I have recently purchased a Garmin 260W and have loaded custom POI
such as school zones etc. just wanting know how to create POI or to remove these from my 260W.

Any help would be appreciated.


Posted by bigfella
removing custom POI's

delete files from the /Garmin/POI directory 8)

Posted by Male Driver
Re: Removing custom POI's loaded on my Garmin 260W

It is more important to know how to add POIs. Here is a simple tip:

1. Create some directory especially for download. I use the following one: C:\Garmin_POI_GPS_DATA_TEAM

2. Download and save all CSV and BMP files to that directory. You may create any subdirectory and use it to save POIs for that category.
I use: C:\Garmin_POI_GPS_DATA_TEAM\Restaurants, C:\Garmin_POI_GPS_DATA_TEAM\Petrol etc.

3. Garmin's POI Loader will find all files in these subfolders and will use them to create a category.
Garmin POI Loader will search through the directory C:\Garmin_POI_GPS_DATA_TEAM and will create/transfer all corresponding POIs to your connected GPS.

4. You can remove any POI file simply by removing it from your POI folder. and re-running the POI Loader software. This POI update procedure takes about 1-2 minutes.

In summary, keep your POI files updated on your PC and run POI Loader to update your GPS or SD card via any SD card reader.


Posted by jkastel514
How do I create and load custom poi's to my Garmin 260w

Just purchased the Garmin 260w. Its great so far but, I would like to know how to create and load custom poi's to the gps. Can someone point me to the right documentation or give me the steps.
Thank you in advance


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