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Postcode BS28 4QE - Residential Post Code/House location

Posted by Char
Postcode BS28 4QE - Residential Post Code/House location


The coordinates/location marker for our residential address needs to corrected as the postcode alone often takes deliveries 100m down the road and they then need to be 'guided' back to the correct location (or upset the elserly neighbours by leaving things at the wrong house).

Is it possible for a global database to be amended so that when people are looking for house name "Little Ashton" at post code "BS28 4QE" it actually brings people to the correct place (the driveway itself is not always shown on older maps/google images, despite being in place for over 3 years).

Correct coordinates for the above are: 51.246353, -2.841533



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Permalink Postcode BS28 4QE - Residential Post Code/House location