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Walmart Saint John East Supercentre

Posted by Louise Dugas
Walmart Saint John East Supercentre

Just thought you would appreciate my letting you know.
We had our mom out looking for flowers for her yard and we took her to your store. We went to the garden center where we found most of your plants and hanging plants crying for water and almost dead. This wasn't just a day without water but we figured by the looks of them three or more days. I went to the front of the store and reported the situation to one clerk at one of the cash. She said she would report it. We listen for it to be reported nothing. So my husband saw three other employees standing together talking he told them the situation and we waited for them to see to it, again nothing was done. So that was four people we reported the situation to and nothing was done. I looked around the store for a manager but saw no one. This took place Thursday around 1.30 in the afternoon. I figure that by the look of those poor plants over 90 percent would be written off and you would have lost lots of customers buying plants for mother's day etc. I know that plants are a great expense to you to bring in and that at this time of year people are looking for them. The funny thing is when we talked to one of your employees she informed us that they would get watered enough when it rained. This I felt like asking her if she would be satisfied if she didn't get food or water for a few days. Well, my name is Louise Dugas and my address is 1162 rte 845 clifton royal nb e5s1n1. You lost from our family my mom and me about 100 dollars sales.
Thank you, an upset customer.


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