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Garmin Drivesmart 61LMT-D and POI insertion

Posted by hrid09
Garmin Drivesmart 61LMT-D and POI insertion

My old TomTom has played up ever since the last two updates so I have been considering getting a new one. It seems that the insertion of your POIs and their attendant bitmaps is no longer supported by TomTom. I have been rather enamoured of the Garmin Drivesmart 61LMT-D and am lead to believe that the insertion of the POIs is possible with this instrument. Can anyone confirm that it is possible and no more difficult. I have been in the habit of going into the TT Europe_2GB folder and placing them there (cut and paste), whereupon they appear on the map of my route.

Is this similar or what else must one do with the Garmin?

Yours Harry

Posted by Mark
Re: Garmin Drivesmart 61LMT-D and POI insertion

Hi Harry,

Garmin made it simple:
- Copy and paste GPI files, or
- transfer all CSV or GPX POIs with POI Loader

I hope this answers your question:

You can use your existing OV2 files. Convert them here:



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